The Da Bulls Crappiest Players

I have a fascination with under achieving or just terrible players that graced the United Center floor. Not even sure why. Maybe because I spent so much time yelling at my TV while they were on the floor sucking it up. Here is a short list of what I call Da Bull Crappiest Players(Just like the site name.... GET IT??)!
Eddie Robinson
Jerry Krause for whatever reason fell in love with is below avg NBA player while he was a Hornet. Claiming he would be "SUPER STAR!!11. The Bulls went out of there way in 2001 to sign this bum to a 5 year 32 million(!) deal and would regret it from day 1. Eddie never avg more than 9.0 ppg. He went on to miss an astounding 102 games in three years. He made zero efforts to even get back on the court(why would he? He knew he was a fraud). He was also known for having poor conditioning and butted heads with coaches, perfect combo huh?
Paxson came into power and cleaned up the mess Krause made by buying out his contract and kicking Eddie to the curb. Eddie has never set foot in the NBA ever since. He did make a few D-League appearances in 2006 and was drafted again in 2008 but was not given a contract. With out a doubt one of the biggest bums to ever run the United Center floor.
Dennis Hopson
Dennis was the 3rd overall pick in the 1987 draft for the Nets. He never lived up to the hype for them but did lead them in scoring before the Bulls traded for him(3 draft picks!) to back up Micheal Jordan. On paper he had great measurables(not even a word)at 6'5" and 200lbs for a guard. He never could met expectations. It was said in the book the Jordan Rules(great book) that Hopson got road by MJ on a daily basis. A few quotes from the Jordan Rules.
"He's scared. He's got no heart...Nobody told me that. If I had spoken up, he wouldn't have been here." – Michael on Dennis HopsonDennis also cried at his locker after the Bulls beat the Pistons 4-0. He only played 3 mins in the series and was after a blow out win. The once leading scorer of the Nets was now a cheerleader. Dennis went on to play for the Kings for a small while and over seas. He now is a assistant coach with BGSU. Hopson was a waste of draft picks and I am sure to this day hates Michael Jordan with every fiber of his being.
"Your boy doesn't want to play. I'm tired of bailing his *** out." - Michael yelling at Jim Cleamons about Dennis Hopson
Marcus Fizer
You knew this was when Jerry was losing it. The Bulls and head coach Tim Floyd thought it would be a great idea to draft his former player from Iowa State with the 4th pick(don't worry the draft was the worst ever maybe) even though the Bulls already had rookie of the year Elton Brand on the roster as the starting power forward. Not to mention that the roster had many other glaring needs.
Fizer went on to avg 12.3 ppg and tore his ACL in 2003. He spent most his time tatting himself up and being hurt for the Bulls. In 04 the Bulls let him go as he was put into the Charlotte Bobcats expansion draft. He was drafted by the Bobcats but didn't make the roster. He jumped on with the Bucks but was cut by them after a season. He jumped around the D-League and on 10 day contracts until 2006. He played over seas since and now has hit rock bottom by playing in a Puerto league in 2010 with Antoine Walker. He was just a giant mistake from the start for the Bulls and had no right being drafted in the top 5.
Eddy Curry
The ups and downs of Eddy Curry are pretty well documented on the internet. He was one of the best players coming out of high school in the nation. At the time it seemed like a ton of NBA GMs were in love with drafting high school players with hopes of scoring a Kobe or KG(thus the Bulls taking Tyson out of HS as well). Curry was committed to The Big East bottom feeders DePaul but I am sure got a ton of bad advice(I don't think college could have saved him anyway) from all around and went right into the draft. Of course at the time Jerry's luck had run dry with evaluating talent and had to have "baby Shaq".
The only thing that was Shaq like about Curry was his weight problem. He came into most camps blown up carrying Ding Dongs in each hand. He is listed at 285 most the time but that's a giant lie. As a Bull he had a ton of peaks and valleys. His tough coach Scott Skiles didn't make things much easier on him. He was once ask what Eddy had to do to improve his rebounding and Skiles said "jump". While in Chicago he avg around 4-5 rebounds a game which for a man of his size is pretty sad.Curry did show flashes at times while in Chicago. At one point he got in shape and avg around 16 ppg and had the Bulls in the playoffs but than the heart condition issue came up with Eddy. He had to sit out the rest of the season and the playoffs. The Bulls wanted a DNA test done to make sure they didn't have a Reggie Lewis on their hands. Curry refused and a deal was done to ship him to NYC(thats where we send most our trash). Since than he had one good season under Isiah. Once Coach Dan was hired by the Knicks his career in NYC was over. He isn't even seen on the bench and is collecting millions doing nothing.
He also had a lot of the off court problems with a sexual harassment suit brought on by his limo driver in which he accused Eddy of trying to get him to have gay sex. Than his ex girl friend and 9 month old baby was murdered in a Chicago apartment which had to be horrible for him. To make matters worse his house was foreclosed due to owning the loan company $220,000. When Curry bought the house he had $25,000 monthly payments he couldn't handle.
While his off the court issues are very tragic and sad, his on the court game is very much the same. I wouldn't be surprised if he never played again in the NBA. Time will tell.
I will add more players to this once I can get some extra time.