Easy to Hate. Hard to love
Hey I will be the first to admit that I have taken my shots at the poor guy too. Raptors yum yum. #cleaver girl. But I never thought he was the root of all our teams problems.
Seems like all the NBA fans these days just start screaming for peoples heads. Want him out,traded,banished. Some dude even compared him to the lame duck signing of Wallace which couldn't be farther from the truth. Boozer was a main reason this team took a giant jump(Thibs a major one as well). Having a scorer on the block is worth the money we are paying him. After all the Drew Goodens and PJ Browns aren't we ready to embrace a guy who goes to work on the boards and puts a few tough buckets in on the block?
No I guess not.
He took the lead as the most frustrating Bulls player to watch.
I'm losing faith in both Boozer and Noah. It's becoming obvious they don't fit each other well.
How about a ballsy GM that after winning a championship trades Noah AND Boozer for Dwight Howard.I swear we could be 76-0 and people would still find ways to dump on Boozer. Hell even the crazy trade talks have come out of the wood works. I will trade you Boozer, a Snuggie and a Shawn Kemp autograph for Howard and J-Rich(just so we can solve our SG issue too).
The whole Taj is better thing is pretty off. Sure Taj is a great defender and is nice around the hoop but his jumper isn't money by any means. He can't do anything for us in the post. We throw the ball to Booz and tell him to go get us 2 points and he does a lot of the time. You can't replace that.
His defense is pretty bad but I think the ankle is making it worse. Ever tried moving lateral on a bad ankle? Its pretty tough. I am not saying he is a good defender because hes not but hes not as bad as the last few games.
I think he will be in better form come playoff time. People just need to get off his back. He gives you something the Bulls have lacked for about 10 years and now you wanna throw him to the curb? And we have the best record in the East? Hello? God knows I have heard enough yelling during the games from him but he can yell all he wants as long as he rebs and scores. Don't give up on him yet. Be happy we have that dude on the block. Support the Boozer.
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