Rose brings a list of demands. A list the size of a postage stamp. And there's only one item on it: He asks for access to the Bulls' practice facility at all hours because sometimes the urge to work on his game dawns upon him at the break of dawn. Take last summer. After spending an entire day at his youth camp -- and you don't know the definition of "exhaustion" until you've worked with a few hundred boys with short attention spans -- Rose recuperated by shooting jumpers for a few hours at the team gym. And the season was still months away.
Just adds more to the Rose legend. The dude is low key and a work horse. What more could you want in a NBA Super Star?
Rose's ability to create scoring opportunities, his willingness to share the ball and his capability of taking over a game with his scoring during crunch time make it clear that the top priority for Rose is winning. Skill wise, he has lightning speed and power with the ball, he gets into the lane with ease and he is a very good rebounder. His outside shot, although reliable, is the weaker part of his game, but expect it to become more consistent over time.
Yeah I think his shot has become more consistent. Some interesting rankings of note in the 2007 Scout 150 are Rose at 3 with Beasley at 1,Eric Gordan at 2, Kyle Singler ahead of Kevin Love at 5. Bill Walker at 7. And get this Blake Griffin at 23(!)....
A bit late but a very nic Bulls Playoff hype video.
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