Blogabull goes over FT improvements since 12/14.
I had no idea that Rose was in the mid 70s. I knew Deng was awful. Those are some nice jumps for Rose and Deng. Rose seems as of late to be automatic at the line. Even when the game is on the line he is pretty clutch. He showed this in the Pacer lose.
FT% at 12/14 since 12/14 Rose 76.1% 88.0% Noah 72.4% 72.9% Boozer 70.6% 68.9% Deng 68.5% 78.0% Gibson 70.5% 66.7% Korver 90.6% 87.0% Brewer 64.3% 64.7% Watson 77.1% 72.2% sum 72.9% 78.0%
A Great youtube of the Rose taking over vs the Bucks. Its from a dude in the front row. You get a real feel of what it was like to be there that you can't get from a TV broadcast.
By the Horns sheds more light on how great Derrick Rose is.
Rose has more blocked shots on the season (48) than LeBron James (46). While I was double-checking that stat, I also noted that Rose has more offensive rebounds (78) than LeBron (77).Thats pretty freaking awesome. He also points out he beating out Dirk and Durant in offensive rebounds. Guys who got seven inches on him. Derrick Rose is a freak.
Pippen Ain't Easy does some hating on Keith Bogans(what blogger hasn't?).
As much as I rag on Bogans and dawn the nickname Bogus Bogans on him, he is nevertheless more of a contributor to the team than me.I only have a problem when he doesn't hit at least two 3s and takes a dumb shot. I mean if you can't give at least 5 points in 17 mins than you can't help. For the most part he has and plays decent to good defense. Hes not as awful as we make him out to be but still not ideal for a starting SG.
Bulls confidential covers the other teams fighting for home court through out the playoffs and how that effects the Bulls.
The tie breaker for San Antonio works like this. Unless the Bulls lose to the Suns or Spurs lose to the Hawks (unless they both lose) the teams will finished tied for the final tie breaker rule for home court in the finals. In that case, home court will be figured out by random draw.
Read more: http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/chicago-bulls-confidential/2011/04/denver-beats-the-lakers-improving-bulls-magic-number-vs-la.html#ixzz1Idhb1yF2
Oh... That sounds simple enough.
On The Bulls realGM forums user angelmaker666(extreme name dude) makes a great Derrick Rose back ground.
and user nitric0 adds this one to the thread
You really have no reason not have one these back grounds on your PC.
NBA and the Bulls give Derrick is own MVP site Here. The Detroit Free Press attacks Scottie Pippen for his Pistons comments. After what the Free Press did to Michigan football they can go to hell for all I care.
Three Bulls headline the Bullsketball Hall of Fame Class.
Blast from the past!
What is Scottie trying to say in this ad? Also a Indian style sitting Pippen is full of awesome.
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