Bullsosphere goes VanGundy
Site Note: Sorry no Nets review since I wasn't able to watch. Still to many minutes for Rose and Noah IMO.
Derrick Rose finds himself on the SI cover.. Last Bulls player? Jud Buechler. That's a lie.
The Kings finish up their last game in Sac town and it was a sad ending as they fell to the rival Lakers(how fitting?). As small as the franchise was it got very loyal fans. One of my professors at WMU was a huge Kings fans. I won't forget those C-Webb teams. They were robbed of the finals by the NBA(not scared to say it) and by Robert Horry. While not as tragic as the Sonics ending... Its still sad.
The Celtics don't scare me anymore because they're a bunch of pussies and the Bulls are bigger, faster, and stronger. Without Kendrick Perkins and with Marquis Daniels injured, along with Delonte West not caught up to the system, ouchy again, and at the point instead of the wings, they are nothing short of soft, old, and slow.When I see Pussies and Celtics in the same sentence(not to mention horny in the title) it serves as a nice reminder how far things have come since 2008 playoffs. As Alex points out... Bean town is our Bitch now.
Read more: http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/load-o-bull/2011/04/horny-notes-april-13-2011.html#ixzz1JTuLiUEK
Great Bulls vs Knicks review by By the Horns.
Live by the sword, die by the sword, right? This Bulls team succeeds because it has a ravenous nature to win every game every night. That’s not something that can be turned on an off. Not at this point. Older, more experienced teams that have played together longer — the Celtics, Lakers and Spurs, for instance — can flip the switch. I’m not sure the Bulls are there yet. That’s what they’re trying to build to. What they’re trying to become.I agree to a certain extent. Do I think Rose should be in up 13 with 2mins left? no. Also I don't think the Celtics can turn it on and off anymore. They may prove me wrong but we will see. I have seen the Bulls do this in the season but not to the effect of losing games because of it.
Also this gem from the post
The KnickerBlogger game thread features a lot of Knicks fans who were genuinely upset the Bulls tried to win this game. Last time I checked, that was the point of professional sports, right? One commenter said: “It’s so cute seeing the Bulls come out after half-time with Game 7 like intensity. They are going to be in for a surprise come playoff team when their effort and hustle is not greater than the other team’s.
They are a sad sad group of fans. Always will be.
VanGundy why so serious? Not Big enough is it?
A few Cool Ebay listings. Wish I still had my Bulls championship shirts. Love the cartoon shirts. I was bummed when they stop doing them after the 1993 finals. They did bring it back for the Celtics championship shirt. Lets hope I am buying a Bulls one this summer.
Here is a great site with an collection of Derrick Rose backgrounds. I will have my season ending awards on Friday. So tune in for the MVP suspense... Derrick Rose or Manu(looking at you Dr.Jack Ramsay)?
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