Random Thoughts and Why God??

Well since my internet at work decided to go out at the worst possible that kept me from doing my game 2,3 and 4 review which may have been a good thing since I would have said things I didn't mean.

Now that we are back up to speed and the Bulls season is on the brink of ending tonight. I just wanna see them compete and not roll over like a dog like so many teams do. I am not sure that they do. They look tired and frustrated. I am tired and frustrated so I have to think they are. I will say they have brought effort to the last 3 games and good energy but effort can only go so far when you can't throw it into the ocean. I am a bit surprised this issue never came up sooner in the season where the Bulls would brick them selfs out of games but they really didn't. So the fact that they have been this bad must be some of the Heats defense and us just be terrible at scoring.

Derrick Rose
A lot as been made of his poor play. You have group "A" of fans that will never say anything bad about Rose no matter how bad he plays just due to the fact that he brings so much to the team and the city and then there is is group "B" that says he still gotta be hold responsible for how he plays and shouldn't be given a free pass. I fall into a bit of both but right now its more group B for me.

As great as Rose has been during the season he hasn't been as good in playoffs and I will say it. He has been down right terrible since game 2. The heat have done a good job keeping the ball out of his hands and he(and Thibs) haven't done a good job figuring out how to counter that. Scoring something like 6pts in the last three 4th quarters doesn't cut it in the ECF and wouldn't for any teams best player. He talks about being more aggresive but I don't think that means you should just jack more shots. I feel like thats what he did in game 4. Just thought I will shoot more, well going all A.I. won't win us games and him missing huge FTs and taking fade away jumpers to end games won't either.

The air ball fade away vs Lebron had me turn red because in that situation which I will admit that he hasn't been in often is this. You either A.Drive and miss. B.Drive and get blocked or C.Drive and get fouled or D.Drive and score. If A or B happens then at least you tried to and had a chance to get C or D to happen(team just made a better play). Taking a fade away jumper vs the best player on the planet gives him and the Heat a huge % of surviving that moment.

Rose is still young and will learn in those moments but the turnovers,shooting % and overall play(how do you let Mike Miller dribble past you to the rim for a layup?) has just be pretty awful. I still love you Derrick but this poor ECF should fuel you for the summer to come.

Around the Hoop
The whole team has been terrible around the hoop. Noah's hands have turned to stone, Boozer missing anything and everything. Asik getting blocked and Rose flat out missing lay ups. Not sure what has happened to this team around the hoop as they seem to find ways to screw it up. Put that with bad outside shooting and it spells doom.

Bench Play
Its been pretty crap at best the last few games. Kyle Korver has gone beyond cold which makes him useless. I really see no point in playing him. I say just play Brewer more. Watson has been alright. Gibson hasn't be able to shake his game 1 performance. Asik is done for the season.... ugh.

Has been pretty solid and maybe more solid then Rose but is still a giant dog on defense. Giving up a four point play and letting Bosh spin off him for dunks and lay in. Boozer should be still a decent player for us next year but going into 2013 he will have fans wanting him out of Chicago and will be hard to move.

The Big 3
They have played out standing and even when they don't you always have the other to pick up the slack. Bosh has really shot out of his mind and Lebron has been on point. Deng has done the best he could and still play decent on the offensive end. Wade has been hit or miss but done enough to make an impact. I felt like this was the year that the Bulls had to get them since they will only get better as time goes on.

Do we have a chance?
Ahh a very small one. Win tonight and then put in a miracle in Miami. Like I said in my preview, Bulls win this in 7 if they did win it and the Heat win it in 6. I expect the Heat to sorta come out laid back and will be primed to beat. As long as the Bulls still have some fight in them then they should win tonight in Chicago. If that holds true then Miami will bring the hammer in game 6 and it will take a amazing game by the Bulls to push it to 7 where its anyones game.

The Bulls have some issues to figure out. Lets hope they just shoot well tonight and make this a fight and not a  joke.

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