Lets make a Deal?
Lots of Bulls fans have eaten Keith Bogans alive. It really isn't fair to be honest. Is he a starting SG? No not at all. But he does do some pretty good things. He has nice size and plays tough defense. He even hits a corner three or two. Some have wanted to bring Brewer to the starting five but I say he is a vital part of the Bulls bench. He brings a lot of energy and makes plays around the basket when our best player around the basket is on the bench(Rose). He also can't shoot to save his life. At least Keith can spread the floor a bit.
So many people are willing to pull the trigger at any moment for anything. People act as if a 38-16 team is desperate. Trust me the Bulls aren't. They know they need to upgrade the SG spot but the team is rolling as it is. There is just no sure fire answer to who is worth being traded for. Lets take a look at Keith's numbers and than lets look at the list.
Keith Bogans 3.9 PPG. Shots 40% from the field and 37% from behind the arc. He grabs 2 Rebs and a little under 2 AST a night in about 18 mins of time. Nothing blows you away here but is shooting very well.
JR Smith
Many have wanted to go after this head case. He can light up a team one night for 25 and than be invisible the next 3 games with 5 points 1 REB and 2 AST. He is just not worth the risk of messing up the locker room. He also doesn't play much defense and is in love with the three point line. He's what we call a "Chucker". He would be great in NYC. Coach Dan loves those. For our tough and rough Bulls team... Not so much.
State Wise: He is down 4 ppg on his avg(11.2). He is is shooting 34% on 3pt shots when his career is 36%. He gets about 2 AST a night which isn't much but he does grab one steal a night which is a nice. Rebounding is only at 2 REBS a night. Besides scoring and playing more he doesn't do a whole lot better. Maybe grab a steal here and there.
OJ Mayo
State Wise: He is down in ppg due to his lack of minutes. He is avg 12ppg in 28mins of work. Last year he was around 17ppg and 38mins. His FG% is down and so is AST which means he is chucking the ball at the hoop at this point. He REBs are around 2.2 a game and shots the 3 ball at 36%. All his numbers tell me he is unhappy but not worth it IMO. He 6'4(yeah right) and wont make anyone better. Pass I say.
NEWS BREAKS: James Johnson to the Raptors for a first rounder. Mid post this pops up. So now that changes a lot with the Bulls having 3million to use under the cap. I will continue to move forward with this post...
Courtney Lee
I find Lee very interesting. I think he fits well with what the Bulls wanna do. He seems like a solid teammate and plays tough defense. Something Coach Tibs looks for. He has a nice mid range game and his 3pt shot has improved. Since getting to Houston he hasn't gotten as much time as with the Magic and Nets. Once this kid lands on a team that truly needs him he will stay put for a while.
State Wise: Like I said, his mins are down. While in NJ he was around 12ppg but now is down to 7.4ppg and ony getting 18mins a game. His 3 ball has improved as he is shooting it at 42%. He grabs 2 REBS,1 AST and 1 steal a game. When he was getting 33mins a game in NJ all those numbers about doubled.
Rip Hamilton
Ahh Rip what has become of you? A once loved figure on one of the best teams in the league and now you are refusing to play(I know the Pistons look like barf). Does he have anything left? I don't know. Maybe a new team would kick start him. He cant do much for himself. Coming off picks he is great but when he starts dribbling too much he can leave one hell of a mess. Its either a turnover or a bad shot. If he gets bought out he wouldn't be a huge gamble since we could just dump him the next year if he is an issue(assuming they do a one year contract).
Stat Wise: In 35 games this year RIP is putting up 13ppg. About 5ppg down from last year. Age or just pissed off? You decide. Doesn't do a whole lot outside of score. He averages around 2 REBS,AST a game and like 0.5 steals a game(ugh). He is shooting the 3 ball at 40% this year.
There are a few more guys but not worth talking about since they really are not viable options at this point(trade deadline in T-minus 48 hours). Are any of these guys worth draft picks is the question? I think trading Taj Gibson is out of the question. With Boozer and Noah's health issues you can't be kicking yourself later when something happens and Taj isn't there to fill in because we had to have JR Smith. Unless we can get Courtney Lee for a draft pick and a future pick I do think we should pull the trigger. He is the only one on that list that makes the most sense. He will fit in the best on the court and in the locker room. The others have major questions marks on whether they can fit in or not.
Will Paxson do it? As we know with Paxson he won't make a trade unless he is a 100% sure. He never has. He won't ruin this team with how well they are doing. I give it a 40% chance of a deal being made that brings the Bulls a new Shooting guard and I hope Taj has nothing to do with it(I don't think Pax is that dumb).
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