
Bullsosphere is just me going around the other Bulls blogs/sites and linking stuff I find good,bad or interesting. Will do this once or twice a week depending on content thats out there.

Sam Smith talks about the James Johnson trade.

The trade gives the Bulls two 2011 first round picks, theirs and Miami’s, and they still hold the potential 2012 or later first round pick from the Charlotte Bobcats for Tyrus Thomas.

Thus, the Bulls are in better position to potentially make a trade before Thursday’s NBA trading deadline for a shooting guard, though nothing is close and the odds seem to remain against a deal from indications at this point.

I found this part sorta of interesting...

There is no guarantee Prince, on the final year of his contract, will be offered a buyout or even that he will seek one. But should he, the Bulls would be in ideal position to make up to him the money he gives up to get out of his contract. And it might benefit the Pistons during a sale situation to be able to save millions of dollars on the contract, though Prince is just an example. Among the players most rumored for buyouts are, New Jersey’s Troy Murphy, Indiana’s T.J. Ford, the Clippers’ Rasual Butler and Cleveland’s Anthony Parker.

Is Sam just talking out of his ass? I guess I was clueless that Prince could be bought out. If something that magical happened than the Bulls could get Prince for cheap and force him to play the 2 which may not be ideal for the long haul. I thought the word on the street was Prince would not be traded. I haven't heard any talk of a buy out.

By the Horns talks about Derrick Roses "Ho-Hum" approach to the All Star game and I agree.

But we all know the All-Star Game is a glorified exhibition where the only things on the line are bragging rights and reputation. But Rose cares not for these things. He wants to win. And the Bulls are his top priority.

So if he seemed to be going at half-speed during the Skills Competition, or if he was mostly a highly skilled spectator during much of his 30 minutes of action last night, I’m willing to forgive him.

Save it for the second half of the season, Derrick.

Derrick did seem like it wasn't his cup of tea. The All Star thing just isn't him. You won't catch him at the slam dunk contest with hand held camera hamming it up and throwing himself on the ground after Blake Griffen dunks over an elephant.

Blog a Bull goes over the James Johnson trade and what it means for our Shooting Guard hunt.
Bulls Confidential talks about Noah's impact and how it will be on the offensive end. And in non Bulls news DaBullz.com talks about the NBA and NFL doing a better job in providing it's product to viewers. Which I 100% agree with. Being in Michigan, it makes it near impossible to watch all the Bulls games(think how bad it was before we got good). I dont wanna drop $200 for a service that blacks out games on NBA TV,TNT,ESPN ect. I don't get NBA TV.
However, the problem with the NBA’s streaming service is that they choose to blackout NBA TV games. I can’t turn on my TV and watch these games, and I can’t get the channel through my cable provider, as they don’t provide it. So when a Bulls game ends up on NBA TV, I end up watching the game on ATDHE, as it’s my only way to watch the game.

It’s not that I’m trying to steal the NBA’s content, it’s just that I want to watch my team play, and the NBA doesn’t provide me a way to do that, while ATDHE does. I think the fact that I subscribe to NBA League Pass shows that I think that the NBA’s content should be paid for, but if I can’t pay for it, than I’m just going to watch the game for free on one of these sites.


Blast from the past.

Love those "Bulls" Jerseys. Nothing like a Hot Dog mid game. Ask Mark Sanchez.

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